Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Last night I believe the Lord allowed me to feel the heaviness his heart feels regarding all that is transpiring in the world at this time. The rampant sin without question breaks his heart. The unnecessary loss of life grieves him. I felt a great heaviness in my spirit and in my heart. I reflected on all the gross sin that is taking place worldwide with all the corruption, lies, crimes against humanity and needless death and became despondent. It isn’t God’s will for this to take place, but the free will that man has been afforded has unfortunately led to this. God is not surprised by all this, but I believe it hurts his heart all the same. I suppose it would be somewhat like how a loving parent feels when one of their children becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. I never experienced that myself, but sometimes you don’t have to experience something to be able to have empathy. May God’s mercy flood our planet in such a way that millions of folks turn from their evil ways and embrace the gospel of Christ and in so doing have a fresh start at really living. Amen.

As always, till next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!!

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Monday, October 14, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

A rather simplistic illustration danced thru my mind at work today. I would venture a guess that most people around the world have debt that they have accrued over time that they will need to eventually pay back. Debt can be looked a couple different ways: “An obligation … to pay something to someone else”. (ex. A student may be burdened with debt from attending school by virtue of a financial loan. He or she would be obligated to repay that loan.) Also, “a moral or legal obligation to make reparations (payments) or undergo punishment for committing an offense; as with a criminal repaying his debt to society.”

            In the spiritual realm there is another type of debt that people are accruing. It’s sin by virtue of disobeying God’s Word. The Lord is not a hard task master. He is our benevolent, patient, loving Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ was sent to this earth to pay off our spiritual debt with his own blood. That would be like a total stranger tapping into their own resources to pay off your credit card debt. I wonder why it is that folks would leap at that offer but ignore having their sin debt removed. That begs the question, is it more important to have financial freedom or spiritual freedom? 

            The answer is simple. Those having their financial debt paid in full will still die in their sins. Those having their spiritual debt paid in full will live with the Lord forever. If you don’t receive a pass (so to speak) to get into heaven, you are saying whether you realize it or not, that you would rather go to hell.  You see, God sends no one to hell … the result of man’s rejection of Jesus’ spiritual payment voids out their opportunity to spend eternity in heaven. Sound boring … hmmm, but what about if you compare it to Sulphur smoke and fire, pitch darkness and a chorus of moans and groans from all who now regret their decision. Sorry, no 2nd chances. 

            Christianity is at its core a personal, intimate relationship with the One who made you. It is also a way of living. I assure you, there is nothing this world has to offer that can beat that. We’re not all goodie-two shoes. We’re human just like you. We make a myriad of mistakes yet receive forgiveness from God when we ask for it. We aren’t expected to be perfect, just make a spirit-led effort to live and behave like our role model, Jesus Christ. Don’t believe the lies, a future with Satan will not go well for you. He only wants to torture you and watch you burn, yet never die for all eternity. 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

This has been a written warning by Richard Keller of Bread of Life Ministries.

If you know someone who would benefit from reading this, please pass it on & be ready to pray for and support them because they will no doubt have many questions. rk

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

What does it mean to be incorruptible? It means you are “incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted”. What does the root word ‘corrupt’ mean? “To change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions.” People without morals or ethics are easily corrupted and will do just about anything, for instance, for money or sex. Almighty God is incorruptible, and his children are expected to be the same. I believe it all comes down to what you are feeding your inner man. If you are constantly feeding your spirit man, you will flourish in the things of the Lord, but if you are feeding from the trough of the world, you will shrivel and die spiritually and the consequences you will pay for what takes place on that path will not be to your liking at all.

Strive to be incorruptible as your father in heaven is incorruptible. Feast on the riches that lie in his word. Let them and his Holy Spirit guide you thru this life and you will be blessed. Your life won’t be perfect, without trials and/or tribulations, but the Lord will be with you each moment of every day. Be incorruptible in all your dealings. It is what is expected of a child of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Note: Definitions come from Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Friday, October 11, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind


There’s a phrase that says, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground”. Perhaps you’re familiar with it. Let’s break it down ever so slightly. An idle mind - let me put this in terms of a vehicle. Wherever you happen to be, in your own driveway, at a stop light, anywhere really, if your car is running, but not moving, then at that moment, your car is “idling”. It isn’t going forward or backward; it is sitting still yet the engine is running. Your mind, like your car’s engine, is in what could be referred to as a passive state

40 years ago, the United Negro Student Fund had a successful ad campaign that stated, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” A true statement. They claim that when you retire you should keep your mind active, or you will grow despondent & depressed. Not remaining mentally active can shorten your life. 

A Christian need to keep his or her mind active with the things of the Lord or their faith will begin to fade. Like a person who deprives themselves of protein or water, their faith will slip into doubt. They will begin to question things that they used to accept as true. The enemy will take full advantage of passive Christians, nudging them in directions that could likely compromise their witness. Don’t allow it. Stay strong in your faith. Feed your spirit man or woman daily to ward off the fiery darts of Satan. Stay out of the devil’s playground by keeping your mind active in the things of the kingdom of God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Did you know that even the strongest believer in Christ can still feel lost at times? I don’t mean lost as in still needing salvation; I mean empty inside. I see it as a trick of the enemy, for we are never alone and are unconditionally loved. Perhaps it has something to do with our seeming inability to make a difference in this world. But wait, who says you’re not having a positive impact on everyone you encounter each day. You know all the folks that regularly gravitate toward you at school or work or at social gatherings? Don’t flatter yourself, it’s not you per se, it’s the presence of the Holy Spirit within you. What God has placed within you attracts people to you. This is why we must realize and acknowledge that God is in us working to do his will in this world whether we feel it or not. We never need to feel empty or alone because that feeling isn’t from the Lord who is merciful and compassionate … whose lovingkindness knows no end. We have no earthly reason to be ‘down in the mouth’ as the saying goes. Walking around with a distant, disengaged, detached look in our eyes. The enemy tries everything within his realm of influence to cause us to stumble. He can only do to God’s children what God allows for his own purposes and our own spiritual growth. Shake off the ‘woe is me’ attitude and rise to the level of spiritual maturity God intends for you. Feel empty no longer, in Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thoughts From a Random Mind

            So, as it was in the days of Noah shall it once again be, only the next time it will be a consuming fire and not a flood. Noah was mocked. Not one person on the earth listened to him and believed. They scoffed at the coming of God’s judgment against mankind. [Matthew 24:37-39] Rain? What was rain? Scripture tells us the ground was nourished from water bubbling up from under the ground. It had never come down from the sky before. [Genesis 2:5-6] Flood waters? This has never taken place in their world, but this is what God promised was coming. Once it began to rain the people panicked, wanting desperately to enter the tremendous ark Noah had built, but alas, he had closed and sealed the mighty door and was given instructions by God not to open it again until the floodwaters had subsided, and the land was dry again. The people’s unbelief was their eternal undoing.

            Fast forward to today. There are millions of people who still scoff, ridicule and disbelieve the message God is sending out. There will come a day when the time for repentance will be gone forever. Time as we know it will be no more. A reckoning will take place where God will separate the wheat from the chafe. The warning signs are all around if you take the time to look. If you don’t believe in God’s existence you better be right. That is in no way a threat, but it is a promise. Sin cannot abide in the presence of Almighty God. Those who are still filthy with their own sin will have to bear the cost on their own with no hope of reprieve or redemption. God will not change his mind. Man has laughed off their need for forgiveness for too many years. The time will come and when it does it will come quickly. There will be no time to repent on that day. I don’t have to experience it to know that having to face God’s wrath would be a fearsome thing. Nothing will stop God’s judgment once it begins. 

            God’s Son was sent for the sole purpose of paying the price owed for all of mankind’s sins. He was real … a figure in our history. He walked on the earth for 33 years and ministered for 3 of those years. Christ will return in all his glory and evil will have had its day. Scripture tells us “no man knows the day or the hour” of Christ’s Return. This is why man must not wait … repent NOW and be ready for the 2nd Coming of Christ. Don’t fritter your time away on trivial, meaningless endeavors. Surrender your life to the One who created you. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing. 

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


NOTE: This posting is meant for those who need to hear it. It may not be you, but it may be someone you know. If you feel so led, forward this to whoever you feel may need to read it. Sin is serious business, but forgiveness is real and available to all. If you’re the one who needs to read this, know that God doesn’t wish that any would go to hell. This is why his own Son Jesus Christ came to earth in the first place. He loves you with an everlasting, unconditional love. Amen. RLK

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

               With all the instability and chaos in the world today, life can become very stressful. Those in charge are pushing fear in an effort to destabilize things even more. It is for times such as these that we have faith. We who believe in God trust him, so fear and doubt shouldn’t come into play. There is nothing this world can do to us that God is not already aware of. 

The Lord is allowing all that is currently transpiring for his own purposes. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” [Hebrews 4:13 NIV] Evil shall not triumph. God has already won.  If you have dedicated your life to knowing and serving God, then you are in a prime position to defeat the enemy who is quite literally already defeated. Push him over and he will fall.                   

As believers in Christ, we have nothing to fear. Feed your spirit with God’s word for it is sharper than a double-edged sword [1].  It’s why we read and retain his word. It is a powerful weapon against the enemy. God armor is sized to fit us all perfectly. [Ephesians 6:10–18] As his children we stand protected, so march forward in the name of Christ and watch the enemy flee. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


[1] Hebrews 4:12 NIV - “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”