Friday, January 17, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


“What you are is what you do.” – C.S. Lewis 


          Now I don’t pretend to know exactly what was on his mind when Mr. Lewis said this, but I have an idea what he might have meant. Example: I am a writer, so I write. A swimmer swims, a logger logs and so on. So what does a Christian do? First, what is a Christian? A genuine Christian is a person who has accepted his sinful state, submitted to the grace of God, and received forgiveness. This forgiveness isn’t a one-time deal for immediate sins, but rather forgiveness for sins past, present and future. A genuine Christian recognizes his inability to make it in this life on his own. A genuine Christian has a personal forever relationship with Almighty God. What he does with all this reveals the true state of his heart. You see, God never judges man by his outward appearance, but rather by the condition of his heart. A genuine Christian strives to be more like Christ each day. A genuine Christian is compelled to read the word of God. A genuine Christian has a heart for lost souls. These are just some of the things a Christian is. What he does is an outcropping of who he is. It is something we grow into. Once we receive Christ we are not expected to be the quintessential Christian, perfect in every way. What we are is cultivated as we walk with God. I have walked with God for over 46 years, and I am still learning and growing. When we stop learning we stop growing and begin to stagnate. I have had periods of stagnation in my life. They weren’t God’s fault, but my own. So now the question is yours: who are you?

                  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


You know what’s nice?  Having friends.  People to share your highs and your lows. People who can sympathize and empathize with you; people who can laugh and cry with you. People who don’t judge you. People who understand you and even if they don’t, accept you and love you just the same.  Having friends over for dinner is nice.  Sharing food; breaking bread.  They don’t have to share your religious affiliation or your political views; heck, they don’t even have to root for the same sports teams (who knew Giant and Eagle fans could co-mingle and not kill each other?).  Friends are a valuable part of the fabric of our lives.  Playing board games, playing cards, going to the movies, going out to eat; spending time together.  Nothing heavy.  Nothing life altering.  Nothing traumatic.  Just good, clean, honest-to-goodness fun.  No fighting. No arguing. Having someone remember the same old commercial jingles you remember.  Singing the chorus from a nearly forgotten song together.  Telling stories to one another, sharing life. It’s a good thing and it’s nice.   

Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


It’s quiet. No sound whatsoever. Clutter around my laptop. It’s indicative of the life that I have led. Amid the clutter and chaos that has been my life I have one place that is clutter-free and calm. It’s my laptop. My laptop is concise and organized. THAT is indicative of my relationship with God. While I don’t understand why I needed to go through all I have been through in my life, I know now more than I did then and am the wiser for it. I know now that God is incredibly faithful in spite of my unfaithfulness. I know now that God will never, ever look away from me no matter what. He is a mighty God who knows me better than I could ever know myself and better than I could ever comprehend Him. I know what I know, and I don’t need proof. I know in my heart, mind, and soul that God is real and no matter what the skeptics say or do, I will always believe in Him. I haven’t made a dime from my books, but I know that I am a success in God’s eyes because I believe I am being obedient to the call He has placed upon me. I am using my gift. It isn’t a gift that I purchased somewhere. It’s a gift that was given to me by God. I write. I believe I write well. That is not a credit to me, but rather to my God who has enabled me to write well. If I reach one soul, touch one heart, encourage one person, instruct, admonish, or enlighten one individual with what I have written then I will be a raging success in heaven. I do it because I believe in my heart that I was born to do it and I do it because God wishes me to do it. May I never take from God the credit that is solely His. I am truly nothing without Him.

Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


In CS Lewis’ book Mere Christianity, he makes an interesting and profoundly logical argument for Christ being the Son of God.  In it he says we are truthfully left no other choice but to consider Christ either a lunatic or a demon from hell … or what He claimed to be, the actual Son of God.  Those are the options.  Nothing lies in between.  To call Him a great moral teacher is an insult, for He was far more than that.  Great moral teachers don’t heal the sick and raise the dead.  Great moral teachers don’t reach out, in full view of many, and heal an ear that has been cut off by one of His disciples.  No, He was either a crazy man, demon, or deity.  I personally opt for deity because He has come into my soul, filled me with His Spirit and changed my life for the better more than anything or anyone else ever could.  I have disappointed Him with my actions at times, but still He loves me.  One could never find a greater friend and savior than Jesus Christ.  My life would be empty and my future without hope were it not for my Lord and Savior.  My eternity is secure because of Him for He paid a debt He didn’t owe.  I had no way of paying that debt and He picked up the tab.  He bore my shame.  He took on my sin.  No, this man was no lunatic.  He was no demon.  He was the Son of God, and He shall always, and forever be worthy of praise.

Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Monday, January 13, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


If you make enough dumb mistakes do you get kicked out of the game? I’ve gone through life thinking I was one type of person only to realize that I am someone totally different. I knew I wasn’t selfless, but I wouldn’t have categorized myself as selfish … at least not until now. I’m no different than anyone else. I’m selfish. I should also state that I can tend to be very hard on myself. Some are not at all hard on themselves and thus give themselves a free pass regarding many, if not most, character flaws. Some folks think way too highly of themselves. Me … I tend to think much less of myself than maybe I should.   False humility … I don’t think so; at least I certainly hope not. That isn’t my intention. All I want out of life is some peace and quiet, kindness, love, mercy, and a nice clean beach to sit on so I can watch (and listen to) the ocean waves roll in. Okay, so I probably want a little more out of life, but that is all I can think of at the moment. I have most of that and I should be content. Yeah, I am. But deep down inside I still wonder if there is a limit to God’s patience. 

                Fortunately for me God doesn’t keep count of wrongs. It is equally fortunate that God understands us better than we understand ourselves. I’m glad He knows why I do some of the silly things I do, cuz I am clueless. God is good, we are trying … yes, we can be very trying indeed. God is patient, we are not. And some day, in spite of myself, I will go to heaven to live with Him forever. And if you are redeemed, so will you, in spite of yourself.

                  Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


IRRELEVANT - not connected with or relevant to something. 

EXTRANEOUS - not forming an essential or vital part. 


            In my efforts to become more like Christ (which I am not doing very well at), I acquired a word that I thought defined my role in the relationship: irrelevant. I use John 3:30, “He must become greater, and I must become lesser” as my mantra. After taking a closer look at the definition of the word and pondering the topic a bit I thought of another word that would be more appropriate: extraneous. One of the meanings of extraneous is ‘not forming an essential or vital part’. That is perfect. While I am of immeasurable value to God, I am of little importance in the overall scheme of things. Now I expect that some might have an objection to my using this word to describe life with Christ, but it works for me. As the old saying goes, ‘if the shoe fits, wear it’.

            In the course of my life from now on I will try my best to become extraneous when involved in things of an eternal nature. Christ must increase in my life; His will, His desires, His precepts, His love, and mercy, etc. My will and desires must become less essential … non-vital, in my life. That is what I mean by ‘becoming extraneous’. I even had a tee shirt made with that phrase on it and the scripture John 3:30 as a reminder to me and a message to those around me: in our lives as Christians, Christ must become all important and we must become unimportant. I recognize my place in God’s world; I am but a single grain of sand on the immense beaches of all eternity. I also understand that while I am but a single grain of sand I am also capable of all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) and I can be used as a conduit for God’s glory. I revel in my role as a grain of sand for God.

            It is my feeling that we as believers should all seriously consider joining the ‘becoming extraneous’ team. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Friday, January 10, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


                 Life can be challenging a lot of the time. As Christians, if we have been taught properly and have a solid spiritual foundation, we can usually rise above the chaos and turmoil. We are painfully human and struggle more times than we need to, but God understands. He made us and knows all about us. He has a tremendous arsenal of spiritual weapons available to us, yet we have this annoying habit of trying to go it alone. Not needing help is all well and good, but why row a boat against the current when a motor is readily available? One of these days we will all begin to realize who we are in Christ and start to assert ourselves spiritually, being bold in the face of trials and ministering fearlessly to those oppressed and in need. Until then, I suppose we will just continue to row.  

                  Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory, 

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries