Thoughts from a Random Mind
“What you are is what you do.” – C.S. Lewis
Now I don’t pretend to know exactly what was on his mind when Mr. Lewis said this, but I have an idea what he might have meant. Example: I am a writer, so I write. A swimmer swims, a logger logs and so on. So what does a Christian do? First, what is a Christian? A genuine Christian is a person who has accepted his sinful state, submitted to the grace of God, and received forgiveness. This forgiveness isn’t a one-time deal for immediate sins, but rather forgiveness for sins past, present and future. A genuine Christian recognizes his inability to make it in this life on his own. A genuine Christian has a personal forever relationship with Almighty God. What he does with all this reveals the true state of his heart. You see, God never judges man by his outward appearance, but rather by the condition of his heart. A genuine Christian strives to be more like Christ each day. A genuine Christian is compelled to read the word of God. A genuine Christian has a heart for lost souls. These are just some of the things a Christian is. What he does is an outcropping of who he is. It is something we grow into. Once we receive Christ we are not expected to be the quintessential Christian, perfect in every way. What we are is cultivated as we walk with God. I have walked with God for over 46 years, and I am still learning and growing. When we stop learning we stop growing and begin to stagnate. I have had periods of stagnation in my life. They weren’t God’s fault, but my own. So now the question is yours: who are you?
Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries