Monday, September 23, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            Perhaps the greatest fear that people have in this life is a fear of the unknown. In God’s economy knowing doesn’t require faith. It is when we face uncertainty that faith must kick in. I believe God has everything under control; therefore I must focus on what I believe in my heart to be true rather than that which I see on the news each evening. Not knowing the future tends to give me pause from time to time. What if I get a disease or have something very bad happen to me? All that is in the hands of my Heavenly Father whom I trust implicitly. 

            Are you afraid of what may happen to you? I know the unknown can shake you to your core. But let’s face the reality of it. For those who have unwavering belief in Almighty God, we must lean on what we know. God is not a liar. What he has done in the past he can do again. He is no respecter of persons, so what he did for Abram and Moses he is able to do for us. He has never failed at any point throughout history. He has always fulfilled and not reneged on his promises. His love is uncompromising, unconditional and has stood the test of time. In knowing just this we can have the faith to lean heavily on him when times become rough, and calamity is hovering all around. It need not affect you. 

            Pray as I do, that the Lord would place an impenetrable hedge of protection around you and your loved ones. God will not fail you. He is not in the failure business but in the miracle working business. When are at your lowest, look up and praise God from whom all blessings flow. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory, 

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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