Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            Are we defining the value of others rather than lovingly accepting them for who they are?  The older we get the more entrenched in our prejudices and preconceived notions we get. It’s like scar tissue around our hearts that must be cleared away. The process can be painful because they have been in place, many times, for a number of years. It would be very helpful if we could see others thru God’s eyes, but that is an attribute that we must pray into existence and then cultivate as we would a garden. To get lovely red roses to grow we must tend to them daily; fertilizing, watering, weeding, then repeat. It’s not a one-time deal. Similarly, we must strive to be like Christ each and every day. It’s too easy to fall back into bad habits.

            How do we establish another person’s value or worth? We do it with a condescending look, casting them beneath us in stature. Instead of valuing them as another of God’s creation, we are actually devaluing them as a means of subconsciously elevating our own stature. If we would be truly honest with ourselves, we are all guilty of this. It is so beneath the child of God to devalue anyone, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Remember, we are not judge and jury for anyone. Only God is. We are the ones who are to embody God’s love, mercy, kindness, and compassion. The world needs that so badly and all we give them is a Sinner’s Prayer to pray and a list of attributes that are ideally supposed to seek. We accept them conditionally based on their response to the Gospel. If they respond favorably then we accept them … our job is done. If they turn away from our offer of eternal forgiveness, we simply move on to the next person in line. How embarrassing that our belief system has become a numbers game.

            In spite of our faults, and they are many, God’s shows us love without one single condition placed upon it. Aside from the consequences that come from a poor choice made, we have nothing to be concerned about. What we must do is concentrate on imitating Christ in our daily lives. Bless others by valuing them as a creation of God. The Lord places incredible, immeasurable worth on each one of us. No one person is any more valuable than another. The world’s system is broken. Those with money, power and prestige are valued higher than a homeless person, but in God’s eyes they are equal. We must look at people the same way. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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