Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Did you know that even the strongest believer in Christ can still feel lost at times? I don’t mean lost as in still needing salvation; I mean empty inside. I see it as a trick of the enemy, for we are never alone and are unconditionally loved. Perhaps it has something to do with our seeming inability to make a difference in this world. But wait, who says you’re not having a positive impact on everyone you encounter each day. You know all the folks that regularly gravitate toward you at school or work or at social gatherings? Don’t flatter yourself, it’s not you per se, it’s the presence of the Holy Spirit within you. What God has placed within you attracts people to you. This is why we must realize and acknowledge that God is in us working to do his will in this world whether we feel it or not. We never need to feel empty or alone because that feeling isn’t from the Lord who is merciful and compassionate … whose lovingkindness knows no end. We have no earthly reason to be ‘down in the mouth’ as the saying goes. Walking around with a distant, disengaged, detached look in our eyes. The enemy tries everything within his realm of influence to cause us to stumble. He can only do to God’s children what God allows for his own purposes and our own spiritual growth. Shake off the ‘woe is me’ attitude and rise to the level of spiritual maturity God intends for you. Feel empty no longer, in Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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