Monday, October 14, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

A rather simplistic illustration danced thru my mind at work today. I would venture a guess that most people around the world have debt that they have accrued over time that they will need to eventually pay back. Debt can be looked a couple different ways: “An obligation … to pay something to someone else”. (ex. A student may be burdened with debt from attending school by virtue of a financial loan. He or she would be obligated to repay that loan.) Also, “a moral or legal obligation to make reparations (payments) or undergo punishment for committing an offense; as with a criminal repaying his debt to society.”

            In the spiritual realm there is another type of debt that people are accruing. It’s sin by virtue of disobeying God’s Word. The Lord is not a hard task master. He is our benevolent, patient, loving Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ was sent to this earth to pay off our spiritual debt with his own blood. That would be like a total stranger tapping into their own resources to pay off your credit card debt. I wonder why it is that folks would leap at that offer but ignore having their sin debt removed. That begs the question, is it more important to have financial freedom or spiritual freedom? 

            The answer is simple. Those having their financial debt paid in full will still die in their sins. Those having their spiritual debt paid in full will live with the Lord forever. If you don’t receive a pass (so to speak) to get into heaven, you are saying whether you realize it or not, that you would rather go to hell.  You see, God sends no one to hell … the result of man’s rejection of Jesus’ spiritual payment voids out their opportunity to spend eternity in heaven. Sound boring … hmmm, but what about if you compare it to Sulphur smoke and fire, pitch darkness and a chorus of moans and groans from all who now regret their decision. Sorry, no 2nd chances. 

            Christianity is at its core a personal, intimate relationship with the One who made you. It is also a way of living. I assure you, there is nothing this world has to offer that can beat that. We’re not all goodie-two shoes. We’re human just like you. We make a myriad of mistakes yet receive forgiveness from God when we ask for it. We aren’t expected to be perfect, just make a spirit-led effort to live and behave like our role model, Jesus Christ. Don’t believe the lies, a future with Satan will not go well for you. He only wants to torture you and watch you burn, yet never die for all eternity. 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

This has been a written warning by Richard Keller of Bread of Life Ministries.

If you know someone who would benefit from reading this, please pass it on & be ready to pray for and support them because they will no doubt have many questions. rk

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