Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thoughts From a Random Mind

            So, as it was in the days of Noah shall it once again be, only the next time it will be a consuming fire and not a flood. Noah was mocked. Not one person on the earth listened to him and believed. They scoffed at the coming of God’s judgment against mankind. [Matthew 24:37-39] Rain? What was rain? Scripture tells us the ground was nourished from water bubbling up from under the ground. It had never come down from the sky before. [Genesis 2:5-6] Flood waters? This has never taken place in their world, but this is what God promised was coming. Once it began to rain the people panicked, wanting desperately to enter the tremendous ark Noah had built, but alas, he had closed and sealed the mighty door and was given instructions by God not to open it again until the floodwaters had subsided, and the land was dry again. The people’s unbelief was their eternal undoing.

            Fast forward to today. There are millions of people who still scoff, ridicule and disbelieve the message God is sending out. There will come a day when the time for repentance will be gone forever. Time as we know it will be no more. A reckoning will take place where God will separate the wheat from the chafe. The warning signs are all around if you take the time to look. If you don’t believe in God’s existence you better be right. That is in no way a threat, but it is a promise. Sin cannot abide in the presence of Almighty God. Those who are still filthy with their own sin will have to bear the cost on their own with no hope of reprieve or redemption. God will not change his mind. Man has laughed off their need for forgiveness for too many years. The time will come and when it does it will come quickly. There will be no time to repent on that day. I don’t have to experience it to know that having to face God’s wrath would be a fearsome thing. Nothing will stop God’s judgment once it begins. 

            God’s Son was sent for the sole purpose of paying the price owed for all of mankind’s sins. He was real … a figure in our history. He walked on the earth for 33 years and ministered for 3 of those years. Christ will return in all his glory and evil will have had its day. Scripture tells us “no man knows the day or the hour” of Christ’s Return. This is why man must not wait … repent NOW and be ready for the 2nd Coming of Christ. Don’t fritter your time away on trivial, meaningless endeavors. Surrender your life to the One who created you. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing. 

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


NOTE: This posting is meant for those who need to hear it. It may not be you, but it may be someone you know. If you feel so led, forward this to whoever you feel may need to read it. Sin is serious business, but forgiveness is real and available to all. If you’re the one who needs to read this, know that God doesn’t wish that any would go to hell. This is why his own Son Jesus Christ came to earth in the first place. He loves you with an everlasting, unconditional love. Amen. RLK

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