Monday, July 18, 2016


       The events of the past several months have been disconcerting to say the least.  As terrorists groups seek to strike fear in the hearts of men, I reflect on who they are in comparison to the God who created them.  Frankly, they are nothing.  If God wished He could extinguish them instantly, but He withholds His hand.  Why?  I'm not sure I know the answer in it's entirety, but I believe I know it in part.  The scripture tells us to love and not hate.  No where in scripture, neither the Old Testament, nor the New Testament, does it instruct believers in Christ to single out and kill any and all who disagree with a groups beliefs.  Christ came that all men could become truly free from the burden of sin.  God loves us and cares for us.  He will protect us from the evil that is griping the world.  Will it get worse before it gets better ... possibly or probably, I'm not all that sure which.  Christ could return for His followers 5 minutes from now or He could come for us in 5 years.  No one knows.  But until that time, continue to live your life as an ambassador for Christ and seek the face of God. For in all of scripture there is no example of Him ever failing to fulfill any one of His promises to His people.  Do not allow the deeds of evil men to terrify you. That's what they want.  Don't give them the satisfaction, rejoice in the name of Jesus Christ and trust Him to lead you through the mess that is infolding.  

Isaiah 41:10New International Version (NIV)

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  
