Wednesday, December 21, 2016


          I noticed something this year that seemed more extreme than I remember it being in recent years.  Christmas decorations appeared in stores the early part of November.  I can recall years ago when I was a kid that Thanksgiving weekend marked the beginning of the Christmas season.  The malls put up their decorations, towns adorned their light posts and store fronts with lights and wreathes.  Not anymore.  The music doesn't speak of Christ's birth at all.  It's all about reindeer and Santa and peace on earth and Christmas Christmas Christmas ... or should I say Happy Holidays.  Wouldn't want to offend anyone.  
          The removal of Jesus Christ from our culture is happening at a startling rate.  I do not get too flustered by this since everyone is entitled to celebrate as they choose.  If you want to dismiss Christ as a myth or fairy tale, go right ahead.  Until they make it against the law to Celebrate the birth of Christ and praise God for his incredible mercy and grace I shall continue to do so.  If and when they ever do make it against the law I suppose I will go to jail for my beliefs.  
          I still have my cd's that play for me the old Christmas standards which mention Christ and God and his birth and salvation and forgiveness and miraculous happenings over 2000 years ago.  Our younger generation is having Christianity slowly extracated from their minds by the media and the entertainment industry.  College professors scoff at God's existence and mock anyone who has faith in the Lord.  Educators who exhibit any faith oriented talk or actions are reprimanded publicly or even fired.  
          It's a sad world we live in, but that doesn't change what Christians believe to be the truth.  That God sent his Son over 2000 years ago to save a world that was created by him, yet is largely oblivious to his existence.  I often say that God saves us from our sin and ourselves because we are our own worst enemies.  Having a free will we can make any choice we would like.  Sadly any choice that doesn't incorporate God will lead us down a dark path to nowhere.  Don't take Christ out of Christmas.  Stand up for whatever belief in God you may have.  Don't succumb to the world's atheistic bent.  We have the right to believe in God just as much as they have the right NOT to believe in him.  Their intolerance reveals their true agenda. The eradication of all things related to Almighty God.  Is it conviction that they might be wrong? Perhaps.  Who knows for sure.  I'm going to enjoy my Christmas holiday in spite of those who mock our faith.  I can live with that.  rlk

Monday, December 12, 2016

Random Ramblings

     The Christmas Season celebrates the birth of the Christ child over 2000 years ago.  To celebrate such an event is wonderful and accentuates the promises God has laid out for those who would follow him.  Jesus is the Savior of the world, yet so many in the world today shrug it off as if it were nothing.  Believing in God is a start, but it isn't all you need to have your sins erased.  Accepting the gift of redemption, the payment made for all our sins, is a vital component to where our eternal home shall be.  Being a good person is not enough.  Establishing a personal relationship with your Creator and having your life do a 180 degree turnabout so that you sin no more is what is required.  Santa can't save your soul.  Singing a host of new holiday diddies void of the mention of God or Jesus or angels or salvation will not lead you into heaven.  The world, led by Satan, wishes you to believe his lies about God and Jesus and salvation, telling you you're not good enough; that you are far beyond the reach of God.  Nothing but lies.  Read the Bible. Find out for yourself what God has to say. Don't take my or anyone else word for it.  It's too important to ignore.  Merry Christmas!!

Keller Christmas tree - 2016