Wednesday, December 21, 2016


          I noticed something this year that seemed more extreme than I remember it being in recent years.  Christmas decorations appeared in stores the early part of November.  I can recall years ago when I was a kid that Thanksgiving weekend marked the beginning of the Christmas season.  The malls put up their decorations, towns adorned their light posts and store fronts with lights and wreathes.  Not anymore.  The music doesn't speak of Christ's birth at all.  It's all about reindeer and Santa and peace on earth and Christmas Christmas Christmas ... or should I say Happy Holidays.  Wouldn't want to offend anyone.  
          The removal of Jesus Christ from our culture is happening at a startling rate.  I do not get too flustered by this since everyone is entitled to celebrate as they choose.  If you want to dismiss Christ as a myth or fairy tale, go right ahead.  Until they make it against the law to Celebrate the birth of Christ and praise God for his incredible mercy and grace I shall continue to do so.  If and when they ever do make it against the law I suppose I will go to jail for my beliefs.  
          I still have my cd's that play for me the old Christmas standards which mention Christ and God and his birth and salvation and forgiveness and miraculous happenings over 2000 years ago.  Our younger generation is having Christianity slowly extracated from their minds by the media and the entertainment industry.  College professors scoff at God's existence and mock anyone who has faith in the Lord.  Educators who exhibit any faith oriented talk or actions are reprimanded publicly or even fired.  
          It's a sad world we live in, but that doesn't change what Christians believe to be the truth.  That God sent his Son over 2000 years ago to save a world that was created by him, yet is largely oblivious to his existence.  I often say that God saves us from our sin and ourselves because we are our own worst enemies.  Having a free will we can make any choice we would like.  Sadly any choice that doesn't incorporate God will lead us down a dark path to nowhere.  Don't take Christ out of Christmas.  Stand up for whatever belief in God you may have.  Don't succumb to the world's atheistic bent.  We have the right to believe in God just as much as they have the right NOT to believe in him.  Their intolerance reveals their true agenda. The eradication of all things related to Almighty God.  Is it conviction that they might be wrong? Perhaps.  Who knows for sure.  I'm going to enjoy my Christmas holiday in spite of those who mock our faith.  I can live with that.  rlk

Monday, December 12, 2016

Random Ramblings

     The Christmas Season celebrates the birth of the Christ child over 2000 years ago.  To celebrate such an event is wonderful and accentuates the promises God has laid out for those who would follow him.  Jesus is the Savior of the world, yet so many in the world today shrug it off as if it were nothing.  Believing in God is a start, but it isn't all you need to have your sins erased.  Accepting the gift of redemption, the payment made for all our sins, is a vital component to where our eternal home shall be.  Being a good person is not enough.  Establishing a personal relationship with your Creator and having your life do a 180 degree turnabout so that you sin no more is what is required.  Santa can't save your soul.  Singing a host of new holiday diddies void of the mention of God or Jesus or angels or salvation will not lead you into heaven.  The world, led by Satan, wishes you to believe his lies about God and Jesus and salvation, telling you you're not good enough; that you are far beyond the reach of God.  Nothing but lies.  Read the Bible. Find out for yourself what God has to say. Don't take my or anyone else word for it.  It's too important to ignore.  Merry Christmas!!

Keller Christmas tree - 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Random Ramblings

          "Time & tide wait for no man."  It's origin is unknown, but it's meaning is clear:  "No one is so powerful that they can stop the march of time."* 
          In the Old Testament, Hezekiah, king of Judah, who was a righteous king who honored God with his life, had become deathly ill. The prophet Isaiah came to him and told him God said Hezekiah should get his affairs in order because he was about to die. The king cried out to God reminding him of his faithfulness and single-minded devotion to the things of the Lord.  He didn't specifically ask to have his life spared or years added to that life; however, before Isaiah could even get out of the king's courtyard he received a message from God. He returned to the king and told he that God would heal Hezekiah and add 15 years to his life.  As a sign, on the third day from that time God would turn the sundial back 10 steps to show he had done what he had promised.  Did God turn back time?  While that is unclear from the text, what is clear is that King Hezekiah prayed and his life was elongated by 15 years.  
          So while God apparently didn't stop time, he most assuredly could if he had a mind to because time rests firmly in his hands.   

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


       I came across a question that caused me to stop and think. I didn’t have to think long before I came up with an answer to the query. “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence for a conviction?” It was a startling question; the kind that catches one off guard. 
I stumbled across it and then sat staring at it. My near immediate mental response was “No, no. I don’t believe their would be.” I was ashamed to have to admit that, but understanding all that I do about scripture, I have to admit I am not much of a threat to the devil at all. My comfort zone is so large and well lived in that I scarcely think of leaving it. Faith, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness; it’s as if they mean nothing. I write about them and believe in them, but have they truly transformed my life? Truly? 
        I can be very hard on myself; I always have been. That’s not to minimize or cast aside my concerns; no, not at all. I don’t consider myself to be a very good Christian. However, having said that, I realize that God is not through with me yet and better days are coming as I allow Him to continue His work within me, for you see it is not the exterior things that others can see that matter, but rather the inward working of the Holy Spirit who creates the change that can ultimately be seen outwardly that really matters. This spiritual surgery which extracts undesirable traits and replaces them with Godly ones is quite necessary in all believers. Without it we are the same person with the same worldly desires and the same penchant for wrong doing. 
         How would you answer that question up above? Have you allowed God to have His way with you? Do you even feel the need to do so? God loves you. Let Him move freely about you by His Spirit, reconstructing you into all you can be for His glory. rlk

Saturday, October 1, 2016


       My devotional blog just topped 72,000 hits.  I am both humbled & proud that people across the globe are reading what I feel God is inspiring me to write each day.  If even one person is blessed, encouraged or edified by anything that I have ever written then in God's eyes (and mine) I am a raging success.  Thank you Lord for your incredible love, mercy and grace. May you bless and challenge each reader to be all they can be for you in Jesus name! rlkeller

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


       I am beginning to wonder if we are trivializing the notion of hell, thus negating its reality.  Here's a list of phrases we all hear regarding hell: "It's hot as hell!", "It's cold as hell!", "That's funny as hell!", "It's windy as hell!", "I'm beat as hell!", "Working here is like being in hell!" and so on.  There are actually too many to recount here.  I know it's just an innocent phrase and on the surface it really means nothing, but for the believer in Christ hell is a very real place.  Those who glibly toss the reference out there really have no idea what they are implying.  In a way it's like referring to someone as a "Hitler" or a workplace like a Nazi concentration camp.  There aren't too many folks left alive who had that horrific experience, but I don't need to experience it to know that working anywhere for money is nothing like living each day out in a brutal, torturous Nazi concentration camp.  In like manner, there is no way of knowing what hell is literally like, but I am fairly certain that it cannot be cold and hot at the same time, that there will be no wind there, there is nothing funny about it and being there for all eternity will be far worse than any place you have ever worked.  So let people trivialize what they do not understand.  It's par for the course and sad to me.  Man's ignorance is so glaring and yet they refuse to listen to anything said about God or eternity.  They simply want to be left alone to live their life as they choose.  So be it ... rlkeller.

Monday, August 29, 2016


       Living for Christ can be a lot more difficult than it needs to be, especially if you are like me and over process things.  I was thinking about this very thought over the weekend and decided that my 5th book would use a title a attempted to use for my 3rd book, but didn't seem to fit anymore once the manuscript was complete.  That title is: Dear God, I have a problem ... it's ME!  With the subtitle: Overthinking can get you in trouble. This would be some what of an autobiography, although not entirely.  If will have autobiographical elements, but not be a full-fledged autobiography, if that makes any sense. My 4th book, STARK RAVING OBEDIENCE is rolling along slowly.  Having a full-time job hampers my ability to pour a ton of time into writing, although I do have nearly 6 chapters completed.  It will take some time for me to complete it to my picky standards, but that's alright. I'm under no time restriction. God is good. May his perfect will in my life be done daily. rlkeller  

Monday, August 22, 2016


      Our pastor yesterday said something that was an excellent reply to those who proclaim I can't believe a loving God would send anyone to hell. His response was: That's not what the gospel says.  All men have sinned and are separated from God. He sent Jesus as a lifeline to save them from hell.
       I'll take it one step further. Scripture teaches that hell wasn't created for man (Matthew 25:41).  It teaches that all men have sinned. By their own lifestyle they are dead men (and women) walking, with no hope of redemption unless they acknowledge their sin, their need of a savior and receive God's forgiveness. They are condemned by their own words and actions.  God sends no one to hell, they go there of their own volition.  It's the choice of each man and woman to either accept or reject God's gift of forgiveness.  It isn't a sure, I'll take it, grab it and run type of thing.  It's serious business.  You will be cast into a burning lake of fire for all eternity, separated from God forever if you don't receive his gift.  No one wants to hear that, but the major misconception of man that is at least partially perpetrated by believers, is that serving God is some sort of regimented life with no fun and no freedom.  Not true.  It's just different than what you're accustomed to.  Once you surrender to God's plan for your life he gives you the 'want to' by this holy spirit.  There's more to it than that, but in a nutshell, that's it.  God is love, he is light, he is just, he is merciful, he is gracious and he sends no one to hell unless they insist by virtue of their own autonomous lifestyle that refuses to follow anyone else's plan for them.  rlkeller

Monday, August 15, 2016


       We no doubt encounter many situations in a day where we can either offer mercy or require it ourselves.  We tend, as mortal men, to overreact to certain things that take place in our lives.  As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ we are to become more and more like him.  We must develop a genuine affinity toward showing God's grace and mercy for this is how he wooed us.  The harsh, fire and brimstone approach wouldn't have worked on us and neither will it work on others.        
       The world is a bubbling cauldron of hate and prejudice, but love and mercy neutralizes hate.  When attacked by hate our natural tendency is to retaliate, to strike back with greater force.  In place of retaliation, emulate the Lord with regards to mercy and you will have lifted the veil to the kingdom of God for others to see. rlkeller  

Friday, August 12, 2016


       My devotional today was on using self-control re: sexual temptation.  We see it everywhere.  Women leaving little to the imagination do whatever they think will bring them recognition.  The pop icons of today are setting a very dangerous precedent for our youth.  Our small children, especially little girls, want to be these icons.  They grow up way to fast and become preoccupied with their physical appearance far to young.  Mothers and fathers who want to be their child's best friend rather than their parent are corrupting the system God put in place.  Parents don't need to rule over their children with an iron fist, they need to run their home with love, compassion, mercy and consistent leadership.  Set boundaries and stick to them.  Watch over your kids, but try not to smother them.  Allow for creativity, but be there to answer the tough questions and steer them in the proper direction.  And pray to God for guidance and direction.  God is perfection, we are not.  His leading is crucial for the proper development of a child's self-esteem and confidence.  Trust the Lord to guide you thru the rough waters of the teenage years.  Help your kids understand what they lose if they have sex with just anyone for the sake of having it.  Make sure they know you will love them forever and while you may be disappointed with a decision they've made, you still love them and want to help they recover psychologically, emotionally and physically.  Be there for them not when it fits into your schedule, but when they need you. If you're constantly unavailable they will look somewhere else for support.

Monday, August 8, 2016


Just a reminder:  No matter who gets elected this fall, no matter what ISIS or any other terrorist splinter group may do, no matter what laws are passed, no matter how your future may look to you, GOD is still in complete control and HE shall have the last word regarding what stands and what falls!  Place your faith and trust in Almighty God and not mere mortals, for by their very nature they will fail you time and again.  GOD NEVER FAILS! If you doubt that then you don't really know him. rlkeller

Monday, July 18, 2016


       The events of the past several months have been disconcerting to say the least.  As terrorists groups seek to strike fear in the hearts of men, I reflect on who they are in comparison to the God who created them.  Frankly, they are nothing.  If God wished He could extinguish them instantly, but He withholds His hand.  Why?  I'm not sure I know the answer in it's entirety, but I believe I know it in part.  The scripture tells us to love and not hate.  No where in scripture, neither the Old Testament, nor the New Testament, does it instruct believers in Christ to single out and kill any and all who disagree with a groups beliefs.  Christ came that all men could become truly free from the burden of sin.  God loves us and cares for us.  He will protect us from the evil that is griping the world.  Will it get worse before it gets better ... possibly or probably, I'm not all that sure which.  Christ could return for His followers 5 minutes from now or He could come for us in 5 years.  No one knows.  But until that time, continue to live your life as an ambassador for Christ and seek the face of God. For in all of scripture there is no example of Him ever failing to fulfill any one of His promises to His people.  Do not allow the deeds of evil men to terrify you. That's what they want.  Don't give them the satisfaction, rejoice in the name of Jesus Christ and trust Him to lead you through the mess that is infolding.  

Isaiah 41:10New International Version (NIV)

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  


Monday, June 13, 2016


       The shootings in Orlando were tragic to say the least.  You'll find some Christians somewhere saying it's God's punishment for the homosexual lifestyle of the club goers that fateful evening.  That is so wrong, so short sighted.  God doesn't say anywhere in scripture that He hates homosexuals.  He hates their lifestyle. The way they live is contrary to what God's Word declares.  What His Word DOES declare is that it is not His will that any would perish (2 Peter 3:9).  That includes the homosexuals. Yes, and the transgenders too.  It isn't God's desire for homosexuals to receive Christ and then continue on in their sinful lifestyle.  Like all of mankind, once forgiven we are a new creation. The old things pass away and the new things begin. If allowed, the Holy Spirit begins to perform spiritual surgery on your heart.  God looks at the heart of a man, not at their external appearance (1 Samuel 16:7).  
       It would appear that many orthodox denominations seem to be searching for  loop holes in the whole homosexual issue.  They say Sodom and Gomorrah only speaks of same sex gang rape and not a consentual loving relationship and so on.  One person mentions in his writings that while it does indeed say in scripture that marriage should be between one man and one woman, it doesn't prohibit same sex marriage.  Looking for loop holes is a dangerous game.  Making scripture say what you want it to say can send seeking individuals down the wrong path.  It's a scary world we live in and those who simply refuse to believe that God would judge anyone and send them to hell may be in for a rude awakening.  If I'm wrong about all this, so be it.  If I'm right, then some folks need to take a closer look at God's Word and do some repenting.  
       I'm not a homophobe by any stretch of the imagination; however, I do get concerned when such a small minority of the population wields such a big stick.  Killing others due to their beliefs is never right. The shooter supposedly saw two gay men kissing and it sent him into a rage.  Several days later the shooting took place.  Put strict gun laws in place? No, because the bad guys aren't buying their guns from reputable sources.  The good people would be left defenseless.  Perhaps that what the liberals of this world want, but that would be a terrifying mistake.  elk

Friday, May 27, 2016

From Saul to Paul (Acts 9:1-31)

       Have you ever thought what Paul's life must have been like before and after his conversion on the road to Damascus? Saul of Tarsus was filled with knowledge of the Law and a deep conviction to serve God.  His service entailed ridding the world of the followers of Jesus Christ.  Then one day his whole world and all he knew to be true, like a rug, was pulled out from under him.  A bright, blinding  light knocked him from his horse on the Damascus road.  He was no doubt stunned and quite shaken at the turn of events.  He was confronted by a voice from the light. It was Jesus.  Saul became Paul and with sins forgiven followed the Lord's instruction regarding where to go and what to do.  His reputation was such that after his conversion Christians were reluctant to interact with him.  Once he was able to show them the change that had taken place in his heart and life they embraced him as one of their own.  Paul quickly became the great Apostle Paul who planted churches and preached the gospel to all who would listen.  What a great story!  rk

Friday, April 29, 2016


1 Timothy 6:10New Living Translation (NLT)
10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
       Note, it is the love of money, not money itself. I say in my book There Are No McDonald's In Heaven that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with money, it is more how we have attained it and what we do with it.  If we attained it by illegal or nefarious means, that is a bad thing.  If we attained it through hard work or an inheritance, that is a good thing.  Remember, while it's never wrong to do the right thing it is never right to do the wrong thing.  Ill gotten gain cannot be used for righteous purposes, for no good use of it will right the wrong of such a financial gain. However, if you take a good gain and put it to work for the kingdom of God, for the benefit of your own family or someone else in need, this will always be a good thing.  You can't buy God's favor, it's not for sale.  It is a free gift to all who would receive.  
       Money is a temporary commodity just like all the other temporal things of this world.  Anything that can be depleted is not from God for His supply is never ending.  Once your temporal resources are gone you are left clinging to the edge of the ledge with nowhere else to turn.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.  Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil."  Proverbs 3:5-7
Hmm, didn't mean for this to be another devo of sorts, but it is what it is and I stand by it.  Have a blessed day! rlk

Monday, April 18, 2016


       I've had 3+ chapters of my new book on obedience to God written for a while now.  I go back and reread it, tweak it, then reread it again.  I finally got around to having my publicist read what I have written thus far and she loved it.  That inspires me to make the time to press forward with the writing of STARK RAVING OBEDIENCE.  As believers we must understand that we have a responsibility back to God as His ambassadors on this earth.  Wherever we go, whatever we say and do is all done as His representatives.  I know I have some house cleaning to do when it comes to my life.  I'm grateful that no major shifts in behavior are required, at least that I can tell, but it most certainly pays to keep your finger on the pulse of your spiritual life so as not to become stale and dried up.  Know what I mean?  Anyway, I have some yard grooming to do this morning before I take my wife to lunch.  
       WORDSMITH JOURNAL MAGAZINE is doing a Summer Social Media blitz.... 13 weeks/ posted min of 13 times + cover on dedicated page at site. This was brought to my attention by my publicist and I am going to do it.  May translate into more books getting out into the peoples hands.  Getting the word out is more important than making money at this point.  I am spotlighting my first book, THERE ARE NO McDONALD'S IN HEAVEN: WAITING ON GOD (2012).  Let's see what happens.
       Gotta run ... got bunches to do.  Have a super blessed day & an even better week!!

In His name & for His glory.
RL Keller

Friday, April 15, 2016


       I'm still slowly accumulating data for my 4th book on Obedience. My work schedule hasn't allowed me to do much of anything except write my devotional blog.  I do have 4 chapters complete from a ways back and will be emailing them off to my publicist to look over.  She is a dear sister in the Lord and friend and loves to read anything I write, then offer her opinion.  My shoulder is still mending.  I may have mentioned some time ago that I fell off a 5 ft step ladder and dislocated my left shoulder.  I've been having treatments on it weekly and it has been feeling a lot better, but it is still pretty stiff and sore at times.  Oh well, time heals all wounds I guess.  No progress on my Spanish translation plans.  Had a translation website translate a devotional, then had a latino brother read it.  He said non-Christian sites won't know how to translate certain words and phrases from a Christian perspective, so the meaning will be lost.  The hunt continues.  I guess that's it for now.  God bless you all.  May His will be done in all our lives. rk

Monday, March 14, 2016


       I was at my Chiropractor this morning & heard him make an interesting statement while speaking to a woman patient receiving treatment.  They were speaking about how crazy the world has become & the doctor said, "I think we should do away with all bad people."  The woman's response was predictable: "Who do you think the bad people are?"  The doc thought for a second, then said, "You know, heroin addicts, murderers ... people like that."  The conversation drifted off into another direction, but I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of something I wrote in one of my books.  How man cannot govern himself because there must be a set of rules to determine what we should or shouldn't do and we are incapable of constructing such a list without it being infused with our own emotions,  prejudices & past calamitous events.  Who should set up such rules?  
       It also struck me that he mentions heroin addicts & murderers in the same breath.  Interesting.  That simple statement leads me to believe that he considers himself a good person, at the very least better than those two groups of people.  I think most people have a pretty lofty opinion of themselves.  They point out all the people they consider not as good as them morally and/or ethically and salve their already numbed conscience by declaring, "At least I don't do what he or she does."  Their fatal flaw is who they are comparing themselves to.  There's a reason scripture says, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  The reason is that we need to compare ourselves to the One who created us and not others created beings.  Bad people will always exist, but as long as God puts off Christ's return there is always hope for all who have sinned.   

Thursday, February 18, 2016


        Lately I have been feeling a move to translate some of my writings into Spanish.  I work with co-workers that are predominantly Latino.  They come from South American countries like Equador, Columbia and Peru.  There are a lot from Dominican Republic & a number from neighboring Haiti. There are also several from West & East Africa, with a few Kenyans and a couple from Sierra Leone.  So you can see it's a real melting pot.  The Haitians & Africans understand english, but our slang throws them.  The Latinos understand very little english so that is where my emphasis will lie.  I will be using the website which is said to be the best free translation tool on the web.  It may not translate perfectly into Spanish, but with the Holy Spirit's help the message will get out there.  If you are so inclined please pray for this endeavor.
          I've decided to try to translate my devos first, then attempt to put up a Spanish website for my ministry.  May God's will be done in all things.  rk

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Don't remember if I ever shared this:

1.  The illusion that personal gain is made up of crushing others.

2.  The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected.

3.  Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it.

4.  Refusing to set aside trivial preferences.

5.  Neglecting development & refinement of the mind & not acquiring the habit of reading & study.

6.  Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.C. - 43 B.C.) 

[Roman statesman and man of letters, Cicero was Rome’s greatest orator and it’s most articulate philosopher. The last years of republican Rome are often referred to as the Age of Cicero.]

Monday, January 25, 2016


20" in Bricktown, NJ.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  It was cool!!  Big storm.  Supposed to get more next weekend.  We'll have to wait and see.  God was gracious, as always, because we asked that our power not go out and while it did on Saturday morning, it was only for about 1 hour.  No harm done.  Our pups LOVE the snow.  They want to go out all the time and just romp and roll around in it and play till their tongues are hanging out.  Gotta go ... later. elk

Monday, January 18, 2016


     Another long drought with no time to write down my thoughts here.  Finally I have a favorable work schedule.  I'm working 4 ten hour shifts Tue - Fri with 3 day weekends (which go by quickly, I might add).  God has been good throughout my 1-1/2 at this job.  I've had the opportunity to minister the Lord's peace & mercy to multiple folks.  I am a blessed man.
     A praise report that I don't believe I mentioned:  My youngest daughter Janet, who now lives in Killeen, TX, has decided it was time to get back in touch with me.  It's been nice getting to talk to her, but in this new techno age we mostly text and email.  To all that I say "Thank you Lord for your kindness and mercy!"
     That's about it.  Nothing earth shattering.  I will try to write something here each Monday.  Take care and God bless!! reeler