Thursday, November 5, 2020

My Thoughts on the election ...

 I want to start out by saying I hate politics! I think it's a dirty, dishonest business that gives way too many unqualified people waaaaaay too much power and I'm tired of it. I'm no choir boy, but enough is enough. The media are so bias against any conservative that you'd have to be deaf and blind to not notice. According to the main stream media President Trump hasn't done ONE positive thing since before he was even elected. In contrast, Barack Obama, according to the same main stream media, did NOTHING wrong while in office for 8 years. Hard to believe? Yeah, I think so too. And now we have the election of 2020. In my humble opinion, the only way Biden could win this election is by cheating and boy, are the dems cheating. Read the paragraph I typed quickly this morning ... 

"God doesn’t like liars and what we have in this country are liars of the worst sort. Liars whose lies effect millions of people. Liars who believe that as long as no one can prove their lying become arrogant under a façade of bravado. Liars prosper but for a season and sometimes that season can be very brief. Voter fraud is a nasty crime that spits in the face of everything that is true and just. It becomes clear that when someone has to cheat to win the most important thing is not the office they seek, but the title and its associated power. I don’t believe God will allow this to stand. I believe He will pull the rug out from under the ones perpetrating the lies and shine a very bright light on their cowardly course of action. Truth shall win out in the end, you can count on that, because it always does and when that happens everyone wins (except the liars)." 

There is a universal law of consequences. If you do something wrong and get caught you face negative consequences. Apparently the "liars" don't feel there's any way they can get caught. And of course since Trump is railing against the dems for "cheating" he has been called a whiner and sore loser. Of course they would say that, they're the cheaters. Biden will continue to try to bully his way into the White House and Trump will continue to stand his ground. May Trump come out on top ... why? Because it will be a cold day in hell before I even consider voting for someone who says he will sign a new law allowing full term abortions. So a full term baby isn't a human being? Biden would then be facilitating murder. He will raise our taxes. He will reinstate Obamacare. He will do everything in his power to reinvent America so it begins to look like a Socialist state. I say there isn't a place in hell hot enough for people like that. If I take heat for saying all this, too bad. Bring it on. The truth must be told. rlkeller