Monday, March 5, 2018


          There seem to be two things that have become fashionable nowadays: 1) announcing that your gay and 2) announcing that you are an atheist.  It all comes down to what I have said all along, man wants his autonomy.  They don’t want what my chiropractor stated rather emphatically in a recent visit, “I don’t want anyone telling me what to do!”  He wasn’t speaking of God at the time, but he might as well have been.  The basic hedonistic premise of “as long as it hurts no one, do it” seems to be in play in society today.  Even Christians are falling into this trap.  The scriptures I read don’t tell me homosexuality is okay now, that being prohibitive was for another time.  Where is that in the Bible?  People are exercising their right to choose and that is a good thing.  Man has been given a free will and that cannot be breached.  If they end up being wrong it will have been their own choice.  God doesn’t send people to hell, they elect to go there based on the decisions they make in life.  Ignore God’s gift of forgiveness for all your sins?  No problem that is your right as a created being.  But don’t complain if things turn out exactly as scripture depicts it, because that was your warning and you chose to ignore it and go your own way. rlkeller