Monday, January 30, 2017


"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."

C. S. Lewis

Monday, January 16, 2017


     With Gaga doing the halftime show for the Super Bowl this year I thought I'd check out some of the lyrics to her songs.  I didn't have to go far to find that, in my opinion, her lyrics are largely meaningless.  I actually think she has a pretty good voice and the beat of her songs is not all that bad. I watched a couple of her videos and I found them to be in some ways decadent, highly sexual, and somewhat bizarre.  Now if those in their late teens & twenties want to watch and listen to all that then that would be their choice to make.  Personally I see no redeeming value in any of it.  She has a right to create whatever she so desires, however her desires scream out confusion and chaos.  Or perhaps I just don't get what she's trying to say.  My objection comes from the lack of self-policing of her work that can be seen by very young kids and no doubt is.  This type of influence is leading kids down the slippery slope of unfulfillment.  
     One example of the arbitrary nature of her lyrics is found on her debut album from 2006. The song "Wish You Were Here" has a line in it that doesn't seem to fit at all. It caught my eye because it mentions God.  The line goes "Sometimes I wonder if god hides out in cities to set us free ... cause yeah, this room is crowded. But I am so alone in it, help me please. Where is home, I want you to know." Huh?  Now I realize I have plucked several lines out of context, but seriously, is that supposed to mean something?  Oh well, to each his or her own.
     To many folks Christians are seen as hypocritical, homophobic, judges who are rigidly trying to impose their way of thinking on others.  The saddest part of all that is that might be true in many cases.  It's not true with me. I believe everyone has a choice to make in their life.  You don't have to believe in God if you don't want to.  You can believe whatever you want to believe.  Having said that there can only be one truth.  There is only one way to heaven and not many.  Christ died for the sins of all mankind, not just a chosen few.  And every choice a person makes comes with resulting consequences.  So live as you like, say what you wish, do as you please, but understand that if there truly is a God, and I believe that there is, there will come a reckoning one day and I am deeply concerned that many people will be caught ill prepared for that day.  Consider Christ and all he stands for.  Step away from the unfulfillment that comes from the choices you've been making for so long and step into the light of the one truth that can revolutionize your life.  It's your choice. Choose wisely.  rlkeller

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Micah 6:8 New Living Translation
“No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
         Micah was what is referred to as one of the Minor Prophets.[1] There were twelve of them in the Old Testament. Micah lived as a contemporary to the great Prophet Isaiah. In Micah’s writing God warns against Israel’s disobedience and his impending judgment.  There are many things the Lord has hatred for and four of them are listed in this writing. God hates unkindness, idolatry, injustice and empty ritual, all of which the Jews were participating in. The plan to redeem his people was already available and was what it always has been; to live righteously in God’s sight, to love & practice mercy & walk humbly with the Lord during this life. 
      An interesting point to note is that we are not asked to walk humbly before our God or follow behind him in a humble spirit, but rather walk humbly with him. Once we are redeemed we are completely and totally righteous and sanctified in a positional sense.  We haven’t achieved that status and never shall this side of heaven, but by God’s grace we are seen by him as if we are literally that way. To live as if that didn’t matter is to trample on God’s grace.
         What was true then is still true today. Saying you’re righteous and holy is a whole lot different than living like you are. People should notice the difference without you telling them.  That is a key to humble living. Jesus was neither arrogant, nor a braggart, therefore, neither should we be.  Showing people Jesus thru our actions rather than our words will have a greater impact than saying a whole lot that ends up being nothing in comparison to the way you act.  Study the life of Jesus and emulate him with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

[1] “There are twelve books in the Bible known as the Minor Prophets. The difference between the major and Minor Prophets is not an issue of importance, but rather the length of material written. The twelve books are all in the Old Testament consisting of Hosea, Joel, Amos Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.” -

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

NEW YEAR Ramblings

       Well, here we are in another new year.  2017! Wow! Time flies ... I'm off work today and have been battling something like a cold or whatever ... hacking cough. Washed out feeling. It's fun. All part of life.  We were never promised a problem free life.  But you know what?  God is still on his throne and prayer changes things.  I learned that many years ago when I heard that statement as the opening for The Southwest Radio Bible Church.  It's a true statement.  Our bodies are frail, susceptible to sickness and even death.  "Life is what you make of it" is how the saying goes and I believe that to be true to a certain extent.  There are also consequences that must be accounted for and the condition of one's heart.  I don't mean the physical condition, but rather the spiritual condition.  While it's important what we do, it is equally important why we do it.  Do we do it for self-aggrandizement or do we do it for other more noble reasons?  The Lord wishes for us only the best and asks for our full and unflagging allegiance.  What are your other options?  How do they stack up with God's offer?  Sadly, too many people choose other options that seem more appealing or rewarding only to find out much later that the eternal value of these things is nil.  It's never too late to consider the afterlife.  Where do I go from here?  Am I really sure?  God can provide assuredness if we ask for it.  This world lies with no remorse or regret.  Find the cross and cling to it.  Ignore the empty gestures of weak minded people.  Seek God and him alone for it is with God that we shall find true and eternal fulfillment and that is far more important that temporal happiness.  May you all have a happy and healthy New Year!  rlkeller