Monday, November 21, 2016

Random Ramblings

          "Time & tide wait for no man."  It's origin is unknown, but it's meaning is clear:  "No one is so powerful that they can stop the march of time."* 
          In the Old Testament, Hezekiah, king of Judah, who was a righteous king who honored God with his life, had become deathly ill. The prophet Isaiah came to him and told him God said Hezekiah should get his affairs in order because he was about to die. The king cried out to God reminding him of his faithfulness and single-minded devotion to the things of the Lord.  He didn't specifically ask to have his life spared or years added to that life; however, before Isaiah could even get out of the king's courtyard he received a message from God. He returned to the king and told he that God would heal Hezekiah and add 15 years to his life.  As a sign, on the third day from that time God would turn the sundial back 10 steps to show he had done what he had promised.  Did God turn back time?  While that is unclear from the text, what is clear is that King Hezekiah prayed and his life was elongated by 15 years.  
          So while God apparently didn't stop time, he most assuredly could if he had a mind to because time rests firmly in his hands.   