Monday, January 29, 2018


As I approach the 100,000th hit on my devo blog I am humbled by the thought that someone somewhere has been touched in a positive way by something I have written. To God be all the glory, honor and praise for he is the source of my writing. There is nothing I could ever write that could match what he places in my heart. I am thankful to the Lord for choosing to use me in this small way. May his kingdom grow and may I continue to have a part in it. rlkeller

Monday, January 22, 2018

The whole world is watching ...

     People say and do things thinking they cannot be seen or heard, but trust me, the whole world is listening and watching us very intently to find the littlest of flaws. Especially if they know you’re a Christian. It is critical for us to stay focused and connected thru the Holy Spirit and the Lord will see you thru your troubling times. rlkeller