Tuesday, July 16, 2024


          To ME it is a universal iconic symbol of hope & redemption. To others it seems to be nothing more than a piece of jewelry to be worn out in public. You would think it would reveal what was important to a person, but it many cases it means next to nothing; no different than a bejeweled bauble. 

In a way it’s kind of like when a person wears a cap for a certain sports team and yet isn’t into sports at all. They wear the cap as a fashion statement. You don’t know how many times I’ve asked guys if they are a fan of the team their cap represents and am told ‘no, I just like the hat’. Okay, whatever. 

It only shows me the incredible ignorance people have regarding the cross’ significance. Regarding what took place on that cross. What it all means. In a way it an insult to the Lord to parade around with some big cross dangling from your neck and not have any clue the price that was paid for freedom from sin that was made available to us by that very act of selflessness.

Autonomy can be a good thing in certain circumstances, but in the eternal scheme of things autonomy only means that you think you can govern yourself without any external assistance. This is not the case. Our limited resources keep us from achieving that which we aspire to. Only an all-knowing, all-powerful supreme spiritual being can do that. Sure, it seems crazy ... to worship someone you cannot see, or experience with any of the 6 senses you were given, but that’s what is required. Reject this notion at your own peril.

So what does the cross mean? It means unconditional love, for love conquers all. It means sacrifice. It means hope. It means true freedom. It means all that and more. Don’t overlook the cross and its significance to mankind. Don’t dismiss it. Don’t disregard it. Instead, focus on it. This iconic symbol provides hope to millions. For it is thru the cross that eternity is established for the common man.               


In the Name of Christ,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries