Monday, June 13, 2016


       The shootings in Orlando were tragic to say the least.  You'll find some Christians somewhere saying it's God's punishment for the homosexual lifestyle of the club goers that fateful evening.  That is so wrong, so short sighted.  God doesn't say anywhere in scripture that He hates homosexuals.  He hates their lifestyle. The way they live is contrary to what God's Word declares.  What His Word DOES declare is that it is not His will that any would perish (2 Peter 3:9).  That includes the homosexuals. Yes, and the transgenders too.  It isn't God's desire for homosexuals to receive Christ and then continue on in their sinful lifestyle.  Like all of mankind, once forgiven we are a new creation. The old things pass away and the new things begin. If allowed, the Holy Spirit begins to perform spiritual surgery on your heart.  God looks at the heart of a man, not at their external appearance (1 Samuel 16:7).  
       It would appear that many orthodox denominations seem to be searching for  loop holes in the whole homosexual issue.  They say Sodom and Gomorrah only speaks of same sex gang rape and not a consentual loving relationship and so on.  One person mentions in his writings that while it does indeed say in scripture that marriage should be between one man and one woman, it doesn't prohibit same sex marriage.  Looking for loop holes is a dangerous game.  Making scripture say what you want it to say can send seeking individuals down the wrong path.  It's a scary world we live in and those who simply refuse to believe that God would judge anyone and send them to hell may be in for a rude awakening.  If I'm wrong about all this, so be it.  If I'm right, then some folks need to take a closer look at God's Word and do some repenting.  
       I'm not a homophobe by any stretch of the imagination; however, I do get concerned when such a small minority of the population wields such a big stick.  Killing others due to their beliefs is never right. The shooter supposedly saw two gay men kissing and it sent him into a rage.  Several days later the shooting took place.  Put strict gun laws in place? No, because the bad guys aren't buying their guns from reputable sources.  The good people would be left defenseless.  Perhaps that what the liberals of this world want, but that would be a terrifying mistake.  elk

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