Monday, April 10, 2017


     Today I experienced two things that made me scratch my head. One was the inconsiderate nature of humans. In our start up meeting at work, one of the female leads was speaking about what was on tap for the day. One of the workers was talking aloud to a co-worker next to him at the same time. He was told to stop talking. His response was both rude and disrespectful. Frankly, I was a bit surprised because the guy seems like a decent guy. I came across him later in the day and made mention of the situation, tell him what he was doing was seen as being rude and disrespectful. He said he saw my point but didn't think it was a big deal. This is the same guy who admitted to me a day or two ago that he had serious anger issues. That he would pick a fight with someone that angered him at the drop of a hat. He didn't care if it got him fired. I was thinking more in terms of doing jail time.
     On my way home I saw someone fling an empty clear plastic cup, empty but for some ice cubes, out his car window onto the grassy median. As the cup was in mid air the cap and straw came off and flew in a slightly different direction. People amaze me at times and not for any good reasons. Mostly for the ignorant, insensitive things they do. elk

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