Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thoughts from a Random Mind


I recently remembered something that took place several years ago.  I had gone to church and upon entering the sanctuary I saw a lone old man sitting on the back row against the wall. I meandered over and sat down next to him, extended my right hand, and said “Hi, my name is Rich.” He shook my hand, smiled, and responded with “I’m Charlie.” We chatted a bit. I sat with Charlie during the service. I made a point of saying “Hi” to Charlie each time I saw him and made sure to ask how he was doing each time. He always sat by himself, alone. No one else ever spoke with him or came up to greet him. I honestly never gave it a second thought. 

                A couple months later it was announced from the pulpit that “Charlie” had passed away. I put two and two together and realized that it was the Charlie I had been speaking to. I asked the pastor about him and found out that Charlie had not been a very good man. Seems he mistreated his wife and was simply a very, very bad man. We discussed how perhaps it was his way of making some sort of peace with God. I began to think. You know, I knew nothing of Charlie’s misdeeds during this life and greeted him and was nice to him as if he had never done anything wrong in his life. The thought crossed my mind at that very moment, and I shared it with Pastor:  Isn’t that just the way God is with us?

Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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