Thursday, June 4, 2015


          My schedule has kept me from writing here very often.  Sometimes just once per week.  Such is life.  There hasn't been much to say anyway.  In the non-spiritual realm, the Yankees are doing alright, I don't care about the NBA and the NHL Stanley Cup Finals got rolling last night.  My 2nd favorite team is the Chicago Blackhawks.  My mom came from Chicago and I've been there multiple times.  Even saw a Blackhawks game in 1994 in the old Chicago Stadium.  All I remember from that outing was that they beat the Red Wings and the bathrooms were really tiny with low ceilings. Also that they had a big pipe organ high up in the rafters where someone sat and played during breaks in the action.  Very cool!!  That was the final year of the Stadiums existence.  I've experienced two final years of the existence of things in Chicago:  Chicago Stadium, where the Blackhawks played hockey and the Chicago Bulls played basketball and Riverview Amusement Park, which at one time boasted the largest roller coaster in the world.  That was quite a while ago, 1967 to be exact. Wow! How time flies.  Always remember, God is still on His throne and prayer changes things!! rlkeller

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