Monday, August 29, 2016


       Living for Christ can be a lot more difficult than it needs to be, especially if you are like me and over process things.  I was thinking about this very thought over the weekend and decided that my 5th book would use a title a attempted to use for my 3rd book, but didn't seem to fit anymore once the manuscript was complete.  That title is: Dear God, I have a problem ... it's ME!  With the subtitle: Overthinking can get you in trouble. This would be some what of an autobiography, although not entirely.  If will have autobiographical elements, but not be a full-fledged autobiography, if that makes any sense. My 4th book, STARK RAVING OBEDIENCE is rolling along slowly.  Having a full-time job hampers my ability to pour a ton of time into writing, although I do have nearly 6 chapters completed.  It will take some time for me to complete it to my picky standards, but that's alright. I'm under no time restriction. God is good. May his perfect will in my life be done daily. rlkeller  

Monday, August 22, 2016


      Our pastor yesterday said something that was an excellent reply to those who proclaim I can't believe a loving God would send anyone to hell. His response was: That's not what the gospel says.  All men have sinned and are separated from God. He sent Jesus as a lifeline to save them from hell.
       I'll take it one step further. Scripture teaches that hell wasn't created for man (Matthew 25:41).  It teaches that all men have sinned. By their own lifestyle they are dead men (and women) walking, with no hope of redemption unless they acknowledge their sin, their need of a savior and receive God's forgiveness. They are condemned by their own words and actions.  God sends no one to hell, they go there of their own volition.  It's the choice of each man and woman to either accept or reject God's gift of forgiveness.  It isn't a sure, I'll take it, grab it and run type of thing.  It's serious business.  You will be cast into a burning lake of fire for all eternity, separated from God forever if you don't receive his gift.  No one wants to hear that, but the major misconception of man that is at least partially perpetrated by believers, is that serving God is some sort of regimented life with no fun and no freedom.  Not true.  It's just different than what you're accustomed to.  Once you surrender to God's plan for your life he gives you the 'want to' by this holy spirit.  There's more to it than that, but in a nutshell, that's it.  God is love, he is light, he is just, he is merciful, he is gracious and he sends no one to hell unless they insist by virtue of their own autonomous lifestyle that refuses to follow anyone else's plan for them.  rlkeller

Monday, August 15, 2016


       We no doubt encounter many situations in a day where we can either offer mercy or require it ourselves.  We tend, as mortal men, to overreact to certain things that take place in our lives.  As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ we are to become more and more like him.  We must develop a genuine affinity toward showing God's grace and mercy for this is how he wooed us.  The harsh, fire and brimstone approach wouldn't have worked on us and neither will it work on others.        
       The world is a bubbling cauldron of hate and prejudice, but love and mercy neutralizes hate.  When attacked by hate our natural tendency is to retaliate, to strike back with greater force.  In place of retaliation, emulate the Lord with regards to mercy and you will have lifted the veil to the kingdom of God for others to see. rlkeller  

Friday, August 12, 2016


       My devotional today was on using self-control re: sexual temptation.  We see it everywhere.  Women leaving little to the imagination do whatever they think will bring them recognition.  The pop icons of today are setting a very dangerous precedent for our youth.  Our small children, especially little girls, want to be these icons.  They grow up way to fast and become preoccupied with their physical appearance far to young.  Mothers and fathers who want to be their child's best friend rather than their parent are corrupting the system God put in place.  Parents don't need to rule over their children with an iron fist, they need to run their home with love, compassion, mercy and consistent leadership.  Set boundaries and stick to them.  Watch over your kids, but try not to smother them.  Allow for creativity, but be there to answer the tough questions and steer them in the proper direction.  And pray to God for guidance and direction.  God is perfection, we are not.  His leading is crucial for the proper development of a child's self-esteem and confidence.  Trust the Lord to guide you thru the rough waters of the teenage years.  Help your kids understand what they lose if they have sex with just anyone for the sake of having it.  Make sure they know you will love them forever and while you may be disappointed with a decision they've made, you still love them and want to help they recover psychologically, emotionally and physically.  Be there for them not when it fits into your schedule, but when they need you. If you're constantly unavailable they will look somewhere else for support.

Monday, August 8, 2016


Just a reminder:  No matter who gets elected this fall, no matter what ISIS or any other terrorist splinter group may do, no matter what laws are passed, no matter how your future may look to you, GOD is still in complete control and HE shall have the last word regarding what stands and what falls!  Place your faith and trust in Almighty God and not mere mortals, for by their very nature they will fail you time and again.  GOD NEVER FAILS! If you doubt that then you don't really know him. rlkeller