Monday, August 22, 2016


      Our pastor yesterday said something that was an excellent reply to those who proclaim I can't believe a loving God would send anyone to hell. His response was: That's not what the gospel says.  All men have sinned and are separated from God. He sent Jesus as a lifeline to save them from hell.
       I'll take it one step further. Scripture teaches that hell wasn't created for man (Matthew 25:41).  It teaches that all men have sinned. By their own lifestyle they are dead men (and women) walking, with no hope of redemption unless they acknowledge their sin, their need of a savior and receive God's forgiveness. They are condemned by their own words and actions.  God sends no one to hell, they go there of their own volition.  It's the choice of each man and woman to either accept or reject God's gift of forgiveness.  It isn't a sure, I'll take it, grab it and run type of thing.  It's serious business.  You will be cast into a burning lake of fire for all eternity, separated from God forever if you don't receive his gift.  No one wants to hear that, but the major misconception of man that is at least partially perpetrated by believers, is that serving God is some sort of regimented life with no fun and no freedom.  Not true.  It's just different than what you're accustomed to.  Once you surrender to God's plan for your life he gives you the 'want to' by this holy spirit.  There's more to it than that, but in a nutshell, that's it.  God is love, he is light, he is just, he is merciful, he is gracious and he sends no one to hell unless they insist by virtue of their own autonomous lifestyle that refuses to follow anyone else's plan for them.  rlkeller

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