Wednesday, September 21, 2016


       I am beginning to wonder if we are trivializing the notion of hell, thus negating its reality.  Here's a list of phrases we all hear regarding hell: "It's hot as hell!", "It's cold as hell!", "That's funny as hell!", "It's windy as hell!", "I'm beat as hell!", "Working here is like being in hell!" and so on.  There are actually too many to recount here.  I know it's just an innocent phrase and on the surface it really means nothing, but for the believer in Christ hell is a very real place.  Those who glibly toss the reference out there really have no idea what they are implying.  In a way it's like referring to someone as a "Hitler" or a workplace like a Nazi concentration camp.  There aren't too many folks left alive who had that horrific experience, but I don't need to experience it to know that working anywhere for money is nothing like living each day out in a brutal, torturous Nazi concentration camp.  In like manner, there is no way of knowing what hell is literally like, but I am fairly certain that it cannot be cold and hot at the same time, that there will be no wind there, there is nothing funny about it and being there for all eternity will be far worse than any place you have ever worked.  So let people trivialize what they do not understand.  It's par for the course and sad to me.  Man's ignorance is so glaring and yet they refuse to listen to anything said about God or eternity.  They simply want to be left alone to live their life as they choose.  So be it ... rlkeller.

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