Saturday, August 5, 2017


   Have you noticed the progression of minority groups such as the LGBT community? Although they want you to think they are this colossus that dominates the landscape, they are a distinct minority. According to a study done by The Williams Institute Distinguished Scholar Gary J. Gates back in 2011, only 3.5% of the US population identify themselves as a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender community; roughly 9 million individuals or the population of the state of New Jersey. So 96.5% of Americans would be considered straight, yet phobias abound. If you don’t agree with them 100% you are classified as intolerant. You are rolled into a classification such as “Homophobic” or now “Transphobic”.
     While it happens to be true that a person can do whatever they want in life, not all things are beneficial or constructive for them. Doing whatever you want is definitely NOT God’s plan for you. How do I know that? Because I know the Bible well enough to know that God has a plan for each of us that will bless us and cause us to spiritually prosper. Christ didn’t willingly die on a cross to let us simply give a head nod of acknowledgment and nothing else. Doing whatever strikes our fancy is like driving down a hill in the dark with no lights on. The results are rarely good.
     The LBGT community has thrust themselves on the scene essentially forcing people to notice them. Why? I’m not sure I know. I never understood why Gays feel so compelled to “come out of the closet”. They have made a lifestyle choice that I don’t happen to embrace or agree with, but it is their choice and I have no problem with their right to choose. I believe God has a problem with it, but I also happen to know that he loves all people, regardless of their choices in life. God in no way condones their lifestyle choice and sin is not tolerated in his presence, but it is their right to choose.
     In the end, God will sort this mess all out. May he have mercy on us all for none of us are perfect, not one of us. While he forgives, it must be sought and while he is tolerant of many things, he is NOT tolerant of sin in any shape, size or form. We must give up our own selfish desires and tap into the desires he has for us and make them ours. rlkeller

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