Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A 100-100 DEAL

          It's interesting that experts say marriage is a 50-50 deal.  I beg to differ ... it is a 100-100 deal.  You are either all in or it won't work, at least not as God intended.  It takes tolerance, patience, compromise, wisdom, empathy topped off with a massive dose of love.  Not the kind of temporal, lust filled love that the world offers.  True godly love that is unconditional and everlasting.  Apparently my 1st two marriages didn't have that type of relationship.  In spite of what others may say, both parties are instrumental in either making or breaking the marital union.  If God isn't the center of the marriage your chances for survival decrease incrementally.  rlkeller 

1 comment:

  1. I suppose you know this as fact since you cheated on both former spouses.
