Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Thoughts From a Random Mind

                  I have a tendency that doesn’t serve me well at all. I fall into the trap of seeking the approval of others. I realized it today when I tried to act like one of the guys, but I’m not one of the guys and probably never will be.  I don’t always fit in with others particularly well and it is largely because I am a Christian with faith-based tattoos on both forearms and so everyone knows I am a Christian. That’s fine. I think some people might be a little uncomfortable around me.

            I’m not really sure how others see me. I get along with pretty much everyone. I appear to be well liked by others, but seeking their approval is a trap for sure and I get caught up in it regularly. I don’t want to simply be liked and I don’t want to be viewed as a good guy. I am an ambassador of the King of Kings but how exactly am I to act? Many believers love others but do it with conditions. If you smoke, drink, cuss, have tattoos, etc., you are frowned upon and not accepted. If you cut us we bleed like anybody else would. Believers in Christ may not be of this world, but we aren’t aliens from a different planet. There is a spiritual side to our existence and it has everything to do with placing our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

            I need to learn to be different than the world without becoming otherworldly. I don’t have to dance on the fringe between what is right and what is wrong. What my actions should be are like the actions of Christ. Thankfully I do strive for this. Everyone wants to be liked, but in reality we may not have that choice for winning others to the Kingdom must be more important to us than our love for self gratification. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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