Thursday, August 15, 2024


           Satan is working overtime to thwart the spreading of the true gospel throughout the world by spreading lies, and breeding confusion. Wokeism is flourishing under the liberal leadership of compromised pastors / priests. There has entered into the spiritual arena unbiblical thought that causes those who are listening to be fed with propaganda that will choke out the life of the body as a whole. Things that scripture is sinful behavior is being touted as new progressive thinking. When God declares something to be sin, who outside of God Himself can reverse that declaration? Does it not seem ludicrous for the creature to correct the creator?

            What we need is good, bible-based preaching and teaching once again. We need to call a sin a sin and not justify the world’s actions by claiming that God is love and would never send anyone to hell. Therein lies a fundamental flaw in their thinking. God doesn’t SEND anyone to hell, they go of their own volition.

            We need to learn how to worship God again. We need to get back to reading a trusted translation of scripture and reliable reference works. We need to understand that sin warrants punishment if left unchecked. We need to realize that while God loves us unconditionally, He also is the holy judge of all humanity and He will not wait forever to dole out retribution. We need to understand that Christians can indeed backslide back into sin (if you doubt it look at the complete story of the Assyrian city of Nineveh). We need to understand that there are charlatans who seek to lead true believers away from the faith and accept a cheap imitation for the real thing.

            Read God’s Word regularly. Pray continuously. Always trust God to bring about the best outcome to any situation. Don’t give in to anxious thoughts. Rely on the Holy Spirit within you to lead and guide you. And may we all always serve our righteous God with truth and honesty. 

Be aware of your surrounding and don’t allow yourself to be fooled or swayed into believing something that you are doubtful about. Research it out. Stay plugged into Godly sources and shun all evil. 


This is my opinion. 

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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