Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

         The world is filled with distractions. The enemy has made it that way; the distractions keep us occupied with nonessentials, which is designed to keep us from focusing on God. Take Sunday morning youth sports. Why Sunday mornings? Why? It’s just another spiritual battle to keep our kids away from church and godly values. Receiving forgiveness and eternal life are far better prizes than league championships. There is nothing wrong with sports in and of themselves, but should they really be allowed to take over our lives to the extent that we lose sight of everything else? 

I’m remembering a movie from 1981 called Chariots of Fire. * “It is based on the true story of two British athletes in the 1924 Olympics: Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God, and Harold Abrahams, an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice.” [1] “The two athletes are driven to win in the 1924 Olympics as they wrestle with issues of pride and conscience.” [2] The Olympic finals were being held on a Sunday and the Christian, who was one of the favorites to win the gold medal opted out of the race because of his faith. He considered it wrong to race on the Lord’s Day.

Where has such faith gone? Have we become soft? Are we indifferent to that which is important in the eternal scheme of things? Once we give in to one thing, then another comes along, then another and another. I liken it to boiling a frog. If you toss him in boiling water he will immediately jump out because it is too hot for his sensibilities to accept, but if you place him in cool water and gradually turn the heat up he will stay there to his own demise, not realizing what is happening. That is exactly what happens with believers who begin to bend to the will of the world. Next thing you know you no longer attend church, so John or Sue can play sports ... and the downward spiral has begun. Now I love sports and I know it takes a lot of practice to become good, but why does it have to include Sundays?

Someday we’ll stand before God to give an account of our lives FOR Him.  He won’t stop loving us, even if we walk away from Him altogether, but it doesn’t have to be like that.  God loves us as we ignore or even forget all about the important role He has and does play in our lives. We need to put our priorities in the proper order based on God’s statutes. If you simply want to do what you want, without any guilt or contingencies, then don’t call yourself a Christian, because that’s not what you are. We are called to be Christ’s ambassadors; we need to work at that. We need to accept that we are swimming in the opposite direction as the world. That will give growth to some difficult choices. Heed the call to serve Christ above all else. No one can forgive your sins but Jesus Christ. 

Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

* Chariots of Fire won 7 Oscars & was voted best picture.



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