Thursday, December 18, 2014


          A week to go until Christmas.  I still don't have my gifts bought.  I'm pretty much of a last second shopper.  Crazy ...  yeah.  Hey, during my first marriage I used to buy all my gifts for my wife on Christmas Eve.  Four hours at the mall covered it all.  With my crazy work hours lately I haven't had time to do ANY shopping at all.  No time to write.  Just time to do my devo.  I only have the time to write on this blog a couple times a week.  Oh well, that's the way things go.  Everything in God's good time.
          By the way, the Vienna Boys Choir (Monday, Dec 15 at Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank, NJ) was really good.  The Choir was started around 1898 in Austria.  Today they have approximately 100 boys ranging from ages 10-14 who are mainly from Austria.  That 100 is broken down into 4 groups of 25 who are tours groups that travel the globe singing.  They sang mostly Austrian classical and folk songs, but closed the show with a few American Christmas carols.  Of the 23 boys that sang, one was from South Korea, one from Japan, one from Slovakia, one from Mexico and one from America.  The rest were native sons of Austria.  It was a cultural experience to be sure and we enjoyed it immensely.
          This Sunday, the Tran-Siberian Orchestra at The Rock, in Newark, NJ.  rlkeller


  1. First wife here! Next wife put a little more thought into your gifts. Twenty years and I can't remember one of them. Rich, you spend a lot of words on this blog being shocked at the profanity and clothing of other people. We are all fallen. Accept your fallen state and admit it. Then you will begin to heal and overcome.

    1. Second wife here: include this tip in your book on marriage, your transparency will cause it to be a best seller, I guarantee it!

  2. Wife number two and I are good friends now. We have compared notes. You cheated on us in the same manner, adulterous websites and coworkers. Please don't blog about how everyone else is beneath you and just "doesn't get it, but someday, some way if they would only listen to me," they would understand. LOVE them and keep your mouth SHUT about what you don't agree with. And don't try to sleep with anyone. That's the best testimony. I still can't believe you slept with Elaine. lol

    1. We are going to vacation this Spring. Plot exposing you for the phony you are.

    2. Patty, I wonder if RL is getting nervous about being exposed for the double minded wolf in sheeps clothing that he is. Sure is quiet!
