Tuesday, December 2, 2014


       The other day at work I saw several women dressed up at work ... in a warehouse.  I asked one of them what I felt was a very legitimate question.  "Dressing up to work in a warehouse can't make working  very comfortable.  Why do you dress up?"  Both she and her sister quickly replied, "because we want to look sexy."  Huh?  My response was an indifferent, "Oh, there ya go."  Wow!  It's become very apparent to me in the 3 months that I have been working there that some of the women are there to either find a man or simply have sex.  They are dangerous women, deceitful, beguiling.  They are to be avoided at all costs.  They do just enough work to not be noticed, but in the wee hours of the morning (say 3-4 a.m.) they are leaning against the racks, hidden from most prying eyes, hitting on boys or men.  What has this world come to?  They would more than likely be the first to say "Oh, I believe in God."  It obviously means nothing to them.  They require much prayer.  They simply don't know or understand the seriousness of their own sin.  rlkeller


  1. Stop hiding behind religiosity to cover your lust of your female workers. Your false piety will not keep them from seeing through you. The permanent job may never materialize if you creep everyone out by sneaking around the stacks to watch them at night. Rich, look to The Lord in honesty. Not self righteousness.
