Monday, September 2, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

                  I have been told on several occasions that I am a good man. If that person really knew me, they probably wouldn’t say that, but what I tell them is not religious jargon. I tell them “any good thing you see in me is Jesus living through me”.  I say that because of what Jesus said in the gospels. He was told he was good, and he asks why the person called him good, that only the Father who is in heaven is good.  If left to my own devices I’m not all that nice. I can be selfish. I think deep down inside somewhere is the aloof ‘me’. The ‘me’ that wants to run and hide from civilization and be by myself. I’m not sure where that comes from but it’s very real to me.

                  Instead of being labeled a ‘good’ man, I strive to be kind, loving, compassionate, merciful; all the characteristics that are attributed to Christ. Now I suppose, especially to a worldly person, that would constitute being a ‘good’ person, but I think ‘good’ is a weak interpretation of one’s character. ‘Good’ is a very common word for behavior that is common for those who are living within their own self-appointed parameters based solely on what they know and understand.  I want to be more than just a ‘good’ man. I want the Lord to be satisfied with the way I’m living my life. I want my life to bring him glory. I’m not here to build a personal legacy. I don’t care if one soul knows my name after I’m gone. As long as they know the name of Jesus and have allowed him to change their life, that is all that matters to me.

                  I am flawed and broken, but in spite of all that I am loved unconditionally by the One who created me in his own image. For that I am grateful & blessed. I need to remember that no matter what comes against me in this life, I am loved, and love conquers all. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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