Friday, September 13, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

Rest in Peace


            This morning on my way to work I spied a sticker on the rear of a car in front of me that said “Rest in Peace” over a State Policeman’s badge number. He had obviously been killed in the line of duty. What does “Rest in Peace” actually mean? The Holy Spirit said to my spirit, “Look it up. Expound on it,” so I did…

                  After the rigors of this life, Christians from the early church would wish those who pass on from this earth rest.  The phrase “Rest in Peace” was found in the catacombs of the early Christians and indicated that "they died in the peace of the Church, that is, united in Christ." I thought to myself, ‘what lasting peace can be found aside from Christ? Is there another peace that passes all understanding outside of knowing God?’ I know I’ve never found it, have you? 

The peace of this world is fleeting at best, largely because the one who controls this world is God’s chief adversary and he is the creator of chaos and distress, not peace. Therefore, any peace found this side of heaven is temporal. It cannot last based on the atmosphere created on the earth.

                  So when someone says, “Rest in Peace”, it is only meaningful if that person had a relationship with the God who made them. Aside from that there is no peace. Make peace with God and watch your disposition change. Make peace with God and find rest from your troubles in the here and now. We lose our peace and inner tranquility when we take our eyes off of the Lord. This is what happened to Peter when he attempted to walk on the water to Jesus in the gospels. 

                  So find peace thru a personal relationship with God now. Why wait? Ask for it, expect it & bask in the glow of it. God loves us ... “No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).

In His name & for His glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries


Tuker, Mildred Anna Rosalie; Malleson, Hope (1900). "Introduction to the Catacombs". Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome: The Christian monuments of Rome. A. and C. Black. p. 411.

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