Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Thoughts From a Random Mind

        I have currently realized that I am not important at all in this world. That is essentially because I am not from this world. My citizenship is in heaven, I just haven’t arrived there yet. “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.” (Phil 3:20) 

What I say and do outside of God is totally inconsequential. It has no eternal meaning. Conversations focused on anything outside of God tend to be tedious chatter without meaning. In my OPINION, we should begin to do more observing and less talking, unless the talk lifts up Jesus. Take to heart the oft-said phrase: “Your life may be the only Bible some folks will ever read.”

I have also realized that actions speak way louder than words. Christians tend to say all the right things, but then don’t exhibit them in their own life. It’s like encouraging someone to go to church, when you yourself don’t go. 

Be innocuous; inoffensive in every way. Become humble, realizing that you are not needed to accomplish God’s mission. Become grateful, realizing that God Himself has CHOSEN you for this mission. He knows what you bring to the table because He placed it in you and is cultivating it by the person of the Holy Spirit. 

Notoriety is unnecessary. Deflection is the key. Deflect all praise and honor to God, for we are not worthy to receive it. Who you are in the grand scheme of things is unimportant and what you amount to in this world is laughingly incongruent with the kingdom of God. It’s incompatible. It doesn’t jibe.  

Accept your proper place in this sinful world. In it, but not of it. Do what is pleasing to God always without debate or hesitation. The Lord is the only one who has a bead on that which is right and wrong, necessary and unnecessary. Following the lead of the Holy Spirit will always be the correct decision. We must listen more and speak less. Live out your faith to the glory of God. 

Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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