Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

            John used to be our mailman. Nice guy. We had the chance to chat with him from time to time. We provided him with either ice cold water or Gatorade during the sweltering summer months. Today we were chatting about our personal health & he told me he was needing a knee replacement. I told him we believed in God and would pray that all would go perfectly well for him before, during and after his surgery.  His response was typical for a non-believer; he looked down at the ground and quietly laughed. 

            People that do not know God or only have a fringe belief in him will tend to do that. Sarah laughed out loud when the angel of God told Abram he would have a son. Sarah considered this impossible due to her advanced age. 

            Naaman was the King of Syria who was afflicted with leprosy. He sought healing from God’s Prophet Elisha, but the prophet not only didn’t come out to see him but sent a message via a messenger to the King telling him to dip 7 times in the Jordan and his leprosy would be gone. Naaman was furious at what he perceived to be the prophet’s disrespect. He wasn’t going to do it. The King’s servant talked him into doing as Elisha had said. 

            Those who do not ascribe to the standards of God will tend to either laugh or become mad. Why would God allow this to happen to me? Everyone would like to think of himself or herself as reasonably good and not at all worthy of some dreaded sickness or life threatening disease. Those who only have a marginal belief in God act as if they are testing him. If all is well, then he is a good God. If calamity takes place in their lives he is a merciless God who is mean and self-serving. God is neither.

            Once a person takes the time to find out just who God truly is they will begin to understand that God isn’t there to be at our beck and call. He is not obligated do whatever WE wish to have done. In other words, the Lord isn’t a genie in a bottle. We were created for HIS good pleasure, and not the other way around. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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