Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thoughts from a Random Mind

       My brethren, this is no time to faint in the face of calamity. The devil is the master of deceit and will do all he can to place doubt in our minds. Don’t allow it. Doubt gives way to fear and fear leads to indecision and a feeling of hopelessness. My brethren, this need not be the case. We have all God liberally provides to us at our disposal. Tap into the Spirit of God and feed on his goodness. Do not allow doubts of his faithfulness to creep into your mind. There is power in the name of Jesus.  Rebuke the devil in His name. God has the final word regarding all things; even who lives and who dies. 

            This is the time for those who don’t know God in a personal way to give their lives over to him. Would you trade this life of pain and misery for an eternal home with the King of Kings? Even if you have had a comfortable existence, are healthy and have no significant problems, there is one thing you are unable to do. You cannot buy forgiveness. You cannot redeem your own soul. Only God can do that. If you don’t believe in God, if you don’t think he exists, you had better be right in your belief. If you are wrong eternal separation from him will end up being a very harsh penalty for your ignorance. 

            Those who are Christians in name only, but are not practicing their faith, what is holding you back for being all in. This is no time to be lukewarm. You want blessings from God but are not willing to align yourself with his standards for living. You are not willing to speak his name to the unsaved. Going to church every time the doors are open makes you a Christian like standing on a stage makes you an entertainer. What does Christ’s death on the cross mean to you? Have you allowed him to change your life one iota? Think on these things; reassess and realign yourself with your Creator. He loves you and wishes you to come home. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

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