Thursday, February 19, 2015


Back again.  We still have bitter temps.  4 degrees today and 20-30 mph winds.  Yummy!! Bundle up, it's cold out there.  I really don't mind it at all.  I like the cold much better then the intense heat.  Yuck!!

Knowing God is trusting Him.  Many say they know God, but are just saying it.  Some say it to avoid being preached at.  Some say it because they really believe they are okay with "the man upstairs".  God isn't "the man upstairs", nor is He "the BIG guy".  He isn't your pal, although Jesus Christ is referred to as our friend and brother.  We are told to fear God, however this fear isn't to be afraid, but rather to look upon Him with reverence, awe and respect.  We're talking about the creator of all things.  He deserves all our respect and reverence.  What do we deserve?  By our own actions we stand condemned and deserve nothing more than hell fire.  Did you know that hell was created for Lucifer and his fallen angel comrades?  Hell is not intended to be man's final eternal residence.  It's only by our rejection of God's gracious gift of forgiveness through the blood of Christ, His own Son, that we find ourselves bound for everlasting separation from our Heavenly Father.  It doesn't have to be that way.  rlkeller

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