Thursday, May 15, 2014


          It has occurred to me just very recently that many believers simply do not want to be challenged in their faith.  When it's suggested that we assess our walk and see how it lines up with Christ's example of how to live, people balk.  It must be like picking at a scab for some folks.  I don't like it either, but there is no other way to grow spiritually.  Status quo isn't the place a Christian wants to live.  Sure, stay on a spiritual plain for a time to collect yourself and rejuvenate your resolve.  Set up a tent there, but don't build a house.  Our walk should be in a constant state of flux, ever evolving, ever moving forward.  God knows who we can be as an ambassador for Him.  He wants to take us to that place, but we must let Him.  Our allegiance is based on our free will decision to do so.  Nothing is demanded of us.  He has set the standard for a prosperous, fulfilling life.  We must seize the opportunity to become more like Christ.  How else can we grow?  Knowledge is all well and good, but if our knowledge doesn't result in subsequent actions, then what's the point.  rlkeller

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