Monday, July 14, 2014


          I have a couple days off, so here I am.  Been running around taking care of personal stuff.  Stuff is the slang used for all the assorted things that one either has or has to do.  So I was taking care of stuff.  
            I overheard someone telling another person at work that the company should reconsider hiring overweight people as employees.  Her reasoning was that they were an unnecessary liability because the job could put undo stress on their heart and they could have a heart attack.  A lawsuit waiting to happen is apparently where this individual was going.  So in other words, there should be some legislation passed prohibiting overweight people from being able to get jobs based on the possibility that they could be a health risk to themselves and an insurance liability to the company that hires them.  Wow!  Good thing she doesn't have the power to bring that thought process into reality.  It's not okay to discriminate against gays and lesbians (and rightfully so), but in this person's mind it would be alright to discriminate against overweight people.  Hey, it's for their own good, right?  What a load of crap.  (okay, I'll get down from my soap box now. lol.) rlkeller

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