Wednesday, October 29, 2014


          Things may be leveling off at work.  Stabilizing just a bit.  Day shift supervisor quit.  His replacement comes from within.  I've been working at fixing incomplete customer orders or orders that have some sort of problem with them.  It's challenging and interesting.  Been doing that for the last couple weeks.  I had been seriously considering looking for another job due to the high level of chaos and disorganization, but there is a distinct possibility that we may be slowly turning a corner.  We need to. 
          I have been considering having a shirt made up with something spiritual written in Spanish, since the vast majority of the workers in our warehouse speak Spanish.  I also have in the back of my mind having at least my first book translated into Spanish.  I have some contact info that I received from a Spanish speaking brother at a book signing a few months back.  It's not a top priority for me, but it's been rolling around my head.
          It would appear that my next book, which is progressing very slowly due to the limited time I actually have to write, will definitely be a male perspective on divorce called DIVORCE THROUGH MY EYES.  We'll see how that all develops.  Have a super blessed day!! rlkeller

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